Debbie the Doula | Fort Worth, TX

Debbie the Doula
Let me introduce you to Debbie.  She has been a doula since 2012 and has many birth stories to tell.  Finding out the why behind each doula in the Dallas/Fort Worth is just amazing and Debbie the Doula is no different.  If you are looking for a doula, Debbie is your girl!


How many births have you attended?

I have attended over 500 births.

What training did you receive?

I’ve been certified since 2013 and became a doula beginning of 2012.

What does your doula pricing include?

My prices vary depending on several factors; I do offer a doula and childbirth education combo discount package. I have taught Christian childbirth education for 10 years. I teach group classes at Grapevine Birthing Center, and offered private classes, as indicated. As a couples Doula, I will do 1 to 2 prenatal visits in their home, and if they take childbirth classes through me that takes the place of their prenatal visit. After birth, I come back out to their house and do a postpartum visit where I help with breast-feeding, Newborn and postpartum.

How many clients do you have a month?

I take 4 clients a month.

Please describe your doula style.

My goal, as a Doula is to educate, prepare, and support the couples where they are at. I want to use my vast experience as a tool for helping them navigate the birth process and be able advocate for themselves, when necessary. With experience, I have learned that to be a good Doula, you go with the flow, reading the mother and the father, and basing that on how you support them. I am a strong communicator and build a solid relationship with my clients, and by the time labor is happening. I know how they need to be supported. Most moms need hands on comfort measures, guidance in relaxation and verbal encouragement/affirmations/prayer. Majority of dads want to be a part of the birth process, and I gently guide them in the best techniques to help comfort and encourage their wives. I never want to be so hands on that I’m not allowing the dad to comfort and encourage or feel like he can’t support her well! Birth is a relationship builder and that is paramount to me as a doula- I want them to walk away from their birth experience as a stronger couple than they were before and feel confident as new parents.

Do you attend all hospital births? Home births?

I believe that a well-rounded Doula should be able to support a couple in whatever birth environment they choose, whether it be homebirth, birth center birth, or the hospital.

How long will you and/or your support team stay with mom and baby after the birth?

I join couples at their home when they are in active labor, and I am with them until they give birth (wherever that may be) and then I also help with getting baby to breast-feed.

A strong testimonial about Debbie the Doula.

My Doula, Debbie, was wonderful. She was so supportive, and when I didn’t progress like I had hoped she would always tell me that it was normal. She would give me examples of other moms who had been through the same thing. She also kept in contact with me, texting to find out how I was feeling. If I had a question, she would answer promptly or find out from other resources and get back to me. The contact didn’t stop after the birth. 4 months later she still checks up on me. She did a postpartum visit with me, and she helped me with issues like breast engorgement and breastfeeding problems. She was a wonderful emotional support to me and was so accepting of my feelings. I would highly recommend her to any woman looking to have an incredible birth experience! ~ Donna

What is your website or contact information?



instagram: @debbie_the_doula


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