A Fathers Day Big Thank You!

What is a Father and why do we celebrate Fathers Day?

The definition in the Webster Dictionary states a Father is “a man in relation to his child or children”.  Most people would also say a Father  “Someone who creates life”.  My definition of a Father is so much more than that.  More than just someone who was part of creating life.  The role of a Father can expand pretty far but the heart of the definition in my opinion should be “a man who loves from the depth of his heart for others”.  That is what we are celebrating on Fathers Day

My Definition of a Father.

If you go by “my” definition of a Father- “a man who loves from the depth of his heart for others”, it explains that you can be a “Father” to anyone that might need it.  They need the love that you provide.  They might just need help that comes from within.  As a mother of a teenager, there are friends that need a “father”.  A Father is someone to just be there, to listen, to help, to teach, to laugh with, to support you.  They do all these things because they want to, not because they have to.  

Why say thank you on Fathers Day?

We want to celebrate fathers around Fathers day.  We want to say thank you for all they do.  All the work they do to support us, to provide for us, to care for us.  When you celebrate someone, you do so by showing them the love that they have provided you.  When you want to show them off to the public, what do you look for?  Oh yes, photographs! That’s the way we capture the moments to relish in at a later time.  Just take a look at any online media and you can see all sorts of photographs of dads and their kids.  

Fathers and their newborns

When a dad holds his newborn for the first time, the connection is just amazing.  When I photograph a father in the studio with their newborn, the smile is undeniable.  How careful they are when they handle them.  How they whisper to them.  How they tell them “Daddy’s here”.  All these things so their newborn or child knows that they are safe and in good hands.  If you sit and watch around you, you will see the Fathers holding their Childrens hands, giving them piggy back rides, or even a shoulder ride! 


So with all that being said.  Dads, Fathers, Stepdads, Granddads, Step-in Dads, Friends dad…however you are a dad…..Thank you.  Thank you for taking the time to hold that role and making it the best that you can.  Thank you to some for stepping into that role, even though you did not have to.  Thank you for being there for those who don’t have a father to teach them things like changing a tire or how to mow the grass.  Thank you for loving your children and your families.  Thank you for your hard work in everything you do.  And for those that are called Father/Dad, know that they see one or all of the above from you. Thank you. 

Are you a Father?  Are you and your wife expecting?  Are you waiting for that sweet adoption to be complete?  Know that you are Rocking/Going to Rock this Father thing all the way! Oh and Happy Fathers Day!

Let me walk you though a newborn session here.

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