Swiss Avenue Birth | Dallas, TX

Discover Amy with Swiss Avenue Birth in Dallas, TX

Picking the best midwife for you is important.  Finding the one that fits your understanding of what you want, what you expect and just the knowledge of how to create the perfect birth for you.  Let’s learn about Amy and Swiss Avenue Birth.


 How long have you worked as a midwife?

I begin training as a midwife in 1992. I was a young mother and after
working through most of my clinical hours was led to take a step back. I
came back to midwifery in 2015.

* What is your training? For example, your title CNM, CM, CPM, etc.

I decided after much thought and prayer that I best fit into the birth
world as a CPM. I really always wanted to work with women who desired a
physiologic birth experience.

 What is your birth philosophy?

I believe that our bodies are beautifully designed to grow and nurture
healthy pregnancies. I respect that all physiologic processes can need
holistic or medical intervention from time to time.

How many home births have you performed?

I have attended over 600 and been the primary midwife for over 300.

How many births do you attend each month with Swiss Avenue Birth?


Do you work alone or in a team during labor?

Brittney Clay is my midwifery partner

What is the total cost of midwife care with Swiss Avenue Birth? And what is included?

All routine prenatal, labor and birth and postpartum care averages about $6500-7500 in DFW.

Do you recommend working with a doula?

We love working with doula’s with Swiss Avenue Birth!

Do you provide nutritional support during pregnancy and labor?

We provide nutritional counseling and tips.

Do you offer or suggest taking childbirth preparation courses?

We encourage anyone that wants to have a physiologic birth experience to

take a comprehensive class. It is so important to train for the experience you desire.

What equipment do you bring to the birth?

We bring all medication and emergent equipment needed to support you and baby.

Do you have any preferences regarding how many people attend the birth?

We honor each couples desires. Every birth in individually tailored.

What tools do you use to monitor the baby during labor and after their birth?

We have a doppler, stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, thermometer and scale.

 Do you facilitate water births? And do you supply the birth pool?

We can fully support you in a water birth at home or our birth center.

Are you trained in infant resuscitation?

All midwives in Texas must  maintain NRP and CPR certifications.

We are skilled in providing partial or full resuscitation if needed.

How long will you and/or your support team stay with mom and baby after the birth?

We are with you until you and baby are fully assessed and stable. It is several hours after your birth.

How many postpartum visits are offered under your care and on what days do these visits occur?

We support you with 3 planned pp visits and our weekly postpartum groups.

What is your website or contact information?

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