Urban Midwife | Dallas, TX

Getting to walk though a pregnancy with a woman and welcome her new baby into this world is just an amazing part of being a midwife.  Come meet Kristine Tawater LM, CPM, the midwife behind The Urban Midwife

~How long have you worked as a midwife? 


~What is your training? 

I trained through Association of Texas Midwives Midwifery Training Program with an apprenticeship in a birth center and with Homebirth midwives.

~What is your birth philosophy as a Midwife?

Birth is generally a normal physiological process in healthy low risk women. 

~What inspired you to become a midwife? 

I trained as a doula after my own Homebirth with my 3rd baby. My second midwife with baby #4 became a dear friend and encouraged me into midwifery training. 

~How many home births have you performed?

 I have attended over 500 births!

~How many births do you attend each month? 

3-4 typically with occasional lighter and heavier months. I attend around 40-45 births a year.

~Do you work alone or in a team during labor as a midwife? 

We work as a team. I currently have a student and I also have a partner, assisting Midwife

~What is the total cost of midwife care? And what is included? 

My fee is $5300 which includes all prenatal and postpartum visits, labor and birth support, routine labs & birth kit of supplies.

~Do you recommend working with a doula? 

I highly recommend doula care for first time moms and mothers seeking a primary VBAC.

~Do you provide nutritional support during pregnancy and labor?

Yes of course! 

~Do you offer or suggest taking childbirth preparation courses? 

I have a list of suggested classes for fitness and childbirth education. I can’t force anyone to take a class but it is imperative with first time moms. 

~If you are unable to attend my birth for any reason, who will attend in your place? 

My partner midwife will attend in my absence.  

~What happens in the case where two clients are laboring simultaneously? 

I attend the first mother to call and my partner goes to the second. I will join them as soon as I can. 

~What equipment do you bring to the birth? 

fetal doppler, blood pressure monitor, stethoscope. neonatal resuscitation equiment, oxygen, neonatal pulse oximeter, suturing equipment material and medications, baby scale, medications for hemorrhage, IV solutions, infant meds if the parents want them. 

~Do you have any preferences regarding how many people attend the birth? 

Its always up to the family, but we have good conversations about how the people you bring into your space can enhance or disrupt the energy of birth and that less is more generally speaking. 

What tools do you use to monitor the baby during labor and after their birth? 

Fetal doppler , stethoscope, pulse oximeter, resuscitation equipment

Do you facilitate water births? 


Are you trained in infant resuscitation? 


How long will you and/or your support team stay with mom and baby after the birth?

Around 2.5-3 hours

How many postpartum visits are offered under your care and on what days do these visits occur? 

typically 2-3 days in home, 2 weeks, 4 weeks 6 weeks in office

What is your website or contact information? 




Kristine Tawater LM, CPM
After welcoming your new little with Kristine, Chunky Monkey Photography would love to have you in the studio for an amazing newborn session! Check out this one!

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