DFW to Beach | Destin, FL

Driving across the bridge and looking over at the Gulf of Mexico is mesmerizing. The emerald waters, the light beaming off the waves and smell of salt in the air is the best drive ever. As I make that drive to meet a wonderful family for their beach session I can’t help but smile. I can’t help but be excited for my toes to hit the sand. Getting to visit Destin every summer and do photography for families on vacation is just a dream. Come with me while we walk thru this amazing families beach session on the beach at Captain Daves. These memories are ones to hold on to for forever.

DFW Family turns Destin Beach Family

Getting to see one of your “home” clients at my favorite spots in the world is amazing. When Kacy let me know that her whole family was going to be there, I just could not wait to meet them on the beach. We picked a beautiful night for everyone but it was a busy night so parking was short and the beach was full. They were such good sports about the walk from parking down the street, such good exercise. The kiddos were dressed most adorable and turned on the cuteness to the max.

Colors for the beach

Many ask what the best thing to wear for a beach session is for families. My answer is always COLOR! The white sands of Destin with a family in beautiful colors just make the perfect piece of art. This family did a beautiful job at picking the right outfits as a whole family and individuals. The twins were so cute in their purple dresses and the sisters in their adorable rompers!! Big brother was handsome as always! If you are looking at having a beach session with your family in the future, don’t be worried about what to wear. Have fun with it, be bright and colorful!

Kiddos get me every time

Of course family shots are the number one item on the list but all these adorable kiddos get me every time. Getting to spend a bit of time with each of them makes them know that they are special and adorable and I get to have a bit of fun too! This is the time of fun smiles, funny faces and lots of wiggles and giggles. Those kiddos keep me young and I need all the help I need with that!

I have been enjoying the white sands of Destin, Fl for many years and I look forward to each summer. The feeling of the warm sands, the chilled water and the sounds of seagulls is just peaceful. What better atmosphere can you ask for when enjoying the company of your family and capturing the moment for the future to hold!

Chunky Monkey Photography will be back in Destin, Fl for the summer of 2024. If you are interested in grabbing a session, make sure you contact me with your dates and let’s connect!!

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