Sitting Up | Azle, TX

Sitting Up

Sweet L came into the studio for her milestone photoshoot! She was little over 6 months old and ready to show off her new skills of sitting up all by herself. Along with her adorable outfits and upmost amazing little hair do’s, we had such a fun session. If you do a Chunky Monkey Newborn session with me, this session is half off! It’s quite a deal and a milestone not to forget! Come walk thru her session with me.

baby girl at miletsone shoot  | Chunky Monkey Photography

Sitting Up All By Herself

A huge milestone in your baby’s development is them sitting up by themselves. Some times this happens right around 6 months and some babies take a little longer to accomplish this big milestone. Even though we had passed the 6month mark, we waited for her to be a pro to ensure a fun and safe session. And that is exactly what happened. She was on point with her sitting up and gave us all sorts of expressions. Which one is your favorite?

baby girl making fun faces  | Chunky Monkey Photography baby girl  | Chunky Monkey Photography

Sitting Up or Crawling?

Ms. L could not make up her mind on what she wanted to do so we just went with it. We switched from sitting up to crawling and back again. She thought this was pretty funny and sometimes a bit challenging as she was ready to move! Some of her best expressions came from her trying to crawl away!

baby girl trying to crawl
 | Chunky Monkey Photography

Let’s talk about hair

You guys, this sweet baby literally would sit and let mom do her hair in any way that mom wanted. No squirming, no wiggling, just chilled on the floor while mom played away! She even had a little braid that ended with a cute pony tail. I was so impressed at how awesome mom was.

baby girl full of excitement  | Chunky Monkey Photography

Picking Props

One of my my favorite parts of the sitting milestone is using the same props we used in their newborn session to show just how big they have grown. Just look at her smile in the wicker basket in the boho corner! She was so proud of herself and we were too! Take a look at her in the newborn bed, all grown up and she knows it! She loved sitting in the pink high chair! Don’t worry, someone was by her at all times! And of course, we had to get some booty shots, after this milestone, they are too fast to chase their booty!



Thank you to the S. Family for sharing their sweet girl with me again for her sitting milestone session. I am looking forward to celebrating her 1st birthday with them. It will be here before we know it. Of course with all sessions, we grabbed some family pics and some mom/me and dad/me pictures. Those are priceless to have forever!

If you are expecting or have delivered a new baby into your family, I would love to meet you and welcome you into my newborn studio here at Chunky Monkey Photography. I provide all the things that are needed for a beautiful newborn session, you just bring the baby!

baby girl at miletsone shoot | Chunky Monkey Photography

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